About us
We develop initiatives and training processes to increase the capacities and quality of the media and journalists in Nicaragua and the Central American region because we understand their role as key actors in the construction of democracy, human rights and the search for truth. We promote and defend the right to freedom of the press, expression and information.
We promote innovation, the use of new journalistic narratives in multiplatform formats, audiovisual and sound production, and a gender focus. We encourage collaborative journalism, investigative and in-depth journalism.
We defend freedom of expression, information and press freedom; and the right of citizens to obtain and disseminate information of public interest.
We implement projects that contribute to the reestablishment and strengthening of democracy in Nicaragua and the Central American region.
What we do
We implement projects to strengthen the capacities of emerging media in order to contribute to their sustainability, raise the quality of their news production, diversify their content offerings and increase their audiences.
We strengthen the organizational structures of the media to create virtual newsrooms with roles and processes that contribute to achieve greater reach of their content and increase their audiences.
High impact content
We help independent journalists increase their skills to produce high impact and quality content, in collaboration and alliance with national and international media.
Strengthen the resilience of journalists and media outlets, motivating them to continue producing quality journalism, despite the adverse context in which independent journalism is carried out.
Digital Marketing
We support media companies in the process of designing and redesigning their websites, marketing and monetization strategies to move towards the sustainability of their digital platforms.
Investigative journalism
Collaboration between media outlets has proven to be highly effective in producing research pieces with quality content and greater depth, with new multimedia narratives, and with greater impact and reach among audiences.
Jounalistic alliances
We facilitate the integration of journalistic alliances between media outlets to produce multimedia content and campaigns that promote press freedom.
Investigative journalism grant fund
We grant scholarships by direct invitation contest for media and journalists to produce in collaborative alliances, in-depth pieces in different formats: multimedia, audiovisual, sound production, etc.
Research workshops
Journalists and media winners of research grants participate in journalistic research workshops on the conceptualization, development and production of the pieces, considering adverse contexts for the independent press in different countries.
Through the support of editors who are experts in investigative journalism who accompany the development process of the pieces, including the gender approach as a transversal axis.
Editing Room
We have a team of journalists specialized in journalistic editing, rigor and ethics, trained in different international courses, dedicated to providing mentoring and technical accompaniment, virtually, to journalists who wish to improve their skills in producing quality pieces.
Gender approach
We promote the incorporation of the gender perspective in a transversal manner from the organizational culture of the media, as well as in the production of its journalistic content.
Gender, inclusion and diversity editors
We are a pioneer in training women editors in gender, inclusion and diversity so that they can incorporate the gender approach as a transversal axis in the organizational culture and in the newsrooms of their media and in the production of content.
Coaching for media managers
We work to strengthen the leadership of women media directors by developing their managerial and journalistic skills.
Gender workshops
We generate processes of reflection among journalists to promote a gender focus in the institutional management of their media and in their daily journalistic production, as well as in special pieces, in-depth reports, multimedia, sound and audiovisual production.
Digital transition
We train and update journalists and communicators in the use of digital tools that allow them to improve the positioning of their content on their websites, social networks, recruitment, retention, loyalty and increase their audiences.
We strengthen their ability to tell stories with innovative approaches that promote resilience as a method of survival in adverse contexts, especially in issues related to the absence of effective public policies in the health, education and infrastructure sectors, which mainly affect vulnerable populations.